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How to install MySQL Governor











MySQL governor is provided by CloudLinux and allows the system administrator to set LVE limits for MySQL users.


1. Install the mysql-governor package:

yum install governor-mysql

2. Next the MySQL or MariaDB version will need to be selected:

/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/mysqlgovernor.py --mysql-version=mariadbXX

mariadbXX  will be replaced with one of the following entries, to match your currently installed version of mariadbXX:


  • mariadb100
  • mariadb101
  • mariadb102
  • mariadb103
  • mariadb105
  • mariadb106


/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/mysqlgovernor.py --mysql-version=mysql80

mysql80 is for mysql version 8.0,  replaced it with the one your server is currently running with.

  • mysql56
  • mysql57
  • mysql80

3. After selecting the version you can install using the following command:

/usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/mysqlgovernor.py --install

You can find more information in the CloudLinux documentation


MySQL Governor Not Installed

If you have you successfully installed the Mysql governor or If it was just recently added then just click on “Refresh dashboard” button in the CloudLinux Manager and wait some minutes then the Mysql will appear or shown has install on your cloudlinux dashboard end.

Uninstalling MySQL Governor

To remove MySQL Governor:

$ /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/mysqlgovernor.py --delete

The script will install original MySQL server, and remove MySQL Governor.

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