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How to solve the issue on cpanel webmail – You do not have permission to access this page

How to Resolve Permission Issues on cPanel Webmail

Are you encountering the following error message when trying to access your cPanel webmail?

You do not have permission to access this page.

AppConfig for “roundcube” requires that you must have one of the following features: “webmail” to access the URL: “/3rdparty/roundcube/”.

If so, you’re not alone. This common issue can be resolved by following a few simple steps to ensure your account has the necessary permissions. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you troubleshoot and fix this problem, allowing you to regain access to your Roundcube webmail.

1. Check Account Permissions

Ensure that your cPanel account has the necessary permissions to access webmail. You may need to contact your hosting provider if you do not have access to adjust these settings yourself.

2. Verify Feature Lists

If you have access to WHM (Web Host Manager), check the feature list assigned to your cPanel account:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Navigate to Packages > Feature Manager.
  3. Select the feature list associated with your cPanel account.
  4. Ensure that “Webmail” is enabled in this feature list.

3. Enable Webmail Access

If you are managing a cPanel server and have root access, you can enable webmail access for the specific account:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Go to Account Functions > Modify an Account.
  3. Select the account experiencing the issue.
  4. Ensure the “Webmail” feature is checked under the “Enabled Features” section.

4. Rebuild Feature Lists

If the issue persists, try rebuilding the feature lists to ensure that all necessary features are correctly assigned:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Navigate to Packages > Feature Manager.
  3. Click on Rebuild Feature Lists.

5. Check DNS and URL

Ensure that the DNS settings are correctly configured and that you are accessing the correct URL for Roundcube webmail. Sometimes, DNS issues or incorrect URLs can cause access problems.

6. Update cPanel/WHM

Ensure that your cPanel and WHM installations are up to date. Sometimes, bugs in older versions can cause permission issues:

  1. Log in to WHM.
  2. Go to cPanel > Upgrade to Latest Version.

7. Contact Hosting Support

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact your hosting provider’s support team. Provide them with the exact error message and any steps you’ve already taken to try and resolve the issue. They should be able to assist you further.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the permission issue preventing access to Roundcube webmail on your cPanel account.

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