Hola we will work you on how to install whmreseller on your centos usign ssh or whm/cpanel end, to do this you most have a root priviledge.
What is WHMreseller?
WHMreseller is a multi-level Reseller Plugin that allows Resellers to offer WHM to their own clients. It adds 2 new levels of Reselling to WHM/CPanel servers, these are Alpha & Master Resellers. Alpha Resellers can create Master Resellers, WHM Resellers and CPanel accounts, while Master Resellers can create WHM Resellers & CPanel accounts.
System Requirements
Redhat/Centos 6/7
WHM/CPanel 11+
WHMreseller can be installed on any CPanel/WHM server by the root user.
Installation Instructions
To install WHMreseller simply ssh into your WHM/CPanel server as the root user and execute the following commands:
Note: Please note that the Deason whmreseller software give a trial service only Free for 7 days then you can purchase the license from deasoft.com
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