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How to Check If Your VPS or Dedicated Server Is Using SSD or HDD Disk Space

How to Check If Your VPS or Dedicated Server Is Using SSD or HDD Disk Space

In the world of web hosting, the type of storage your server uses can significantly impact its performance. Whether you’re using a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a dedicated server, knowing whether your server uses SSD (Solid State Drive) or HDD (Hard Disk Drive) can help you make informed decisions about your hosting setup. SSDs offer faster data access speeds and reliability, while HDDs provide larger storage capacities at a lower cost. Here’s a guide to help you determine the type of disk your server is using.

Why Knowing Your Disk Type Matters

Understanding the type of storage your server uses is crucial for several reasons:

  • Performance: SSDs are faster and more reliable than HDDs, which can improve your server’s overall performance.
  • Cost Efficiency: HDDs are cheaper per gigabyte, making them a cost-effective option for large storage needs.
  • Maintenance and Upgrades: Knowing your disk type can help you plan for maintenance, backups, and potential upgrades.

Checking Disk Type on a Linux Server

If your server runs on a Linux distribution, you can use the following methods to check your disk type:

  1. Using the lsblk Command: The lsblk command lists information about all available or specified block devices. Here’s how to use it:
lsblk -o NAME,ROTA

In the output, look at the ROTA column:

  • 0 indicates an SSD (non-rotational).
  • 1 indicates an HDD (rotational).

2. Using the dmesg Command: The dmesg command prints the message buffer of the kernel. You can filter the output to find information about your disk:

dmesg | grep -i 'ssd'

If the output includes lines mentioning “ssd,” you likely have an SSD. Similarly, searching for “hdd” might indicate an HDD.

3. Using the hdparm Command: The hdparm command provides a command-line interface for various hard disk operations. First, install hdparm if it’s not already installed:

sudo apt-get install hdparm

Then, run the following command:

sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep 'Rotation Rate'
  1. Replace /dev/sda with the appropriate disk identifier for your server. An SSD will typically show “Solid State Device” or a rotation rate of 0 rpm.

Checking Disk Type on a Windows Server

For Windows-based servers, follow these steps:

  1. Using Device Manager:
    • Open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start button and selecting “Device Manager.”
    • Expand the “Disk Drives” section.
    • Look for the model number of your disk. A quick web search of the model number can tell you whether it’s an SSD or HDD.
  2. Using PowerShell: PowerShell provides a powerful way to gather system information. Use the following command:
Get-PhysicalDisk | Format-Table -AutoSize
  1. In the output, check the MediaType column:
    • SSD indicates a Solid State Drive.
    • HDD indicates a Hard Disk Drive.
  2. Using Performance Monitor:
    • Open Performance Monitor by searching for it in the Start menu.
    • Go to “Data Collector Sets” > “System” > “System Performance.”
    • Start the data collection and then review the report. The type of disk should be indicated in the disk performance metrics.


Knowing whether your VPS or dedicated server uses SSD or HDD storage can help you optimize your server’s performance and manage costs effectively. With the methods outlined above, you can easily determine the type of storage your server uses, enabling you to make informed decisions about your hosting environment. Whether you’re a seasoned sysadmin or a novice user, these tools and commands will provide you with the insights you need.

By regularly checking and understanding your server’s hardware, you ensure that your infrastructure remains robust, efficient, and capable of meeting your needs.

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