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How can I recover lost DNS records?

When you migrate sites across servers, sometimes you will face some problems in your apps due to compatibility issues caused by missing PHP modules, different MySQL configurations, etc.

But another kind of problem you may face is DNS issues, this is not the most common kind of issues, but they will happen from time to time eventually.

Once the DNS Propagation is done, unless you have backups of your DNS zones, there is almost no way to recover the old IP addresses from the records.

What can be done then? Is it the end of my job working at this company? Will my site be down forever?

Is there any way to recover lost DNS records?

Luckily, there is a fantastic tool called DNSTrails that will do the job for you.

DNSTrails is one of the best DNS tools I’ve ever seen. It is not only used to check out for historical DNS records but also to get valuable information from all your domains, IPs and much more. But hey, let’s focus on the subject.

If you want to recover lost DNS records, follow this steps:

  • Open up securitytrails.com.
  • Enter your domain name.
  • Move to the Historical Data block.
  • Choose your DNS record type.
  • Your old and current DNS records values should be displayed and ordered by date on the left side, as you see below.

You should see something like this:



As you can see, on the left IP addresses column you will find all IP values, current and old ones too, which is what you need.

On the top menu, you will find a quick way to switch between the different type of DNS records like A, AAAA, MX, NS, SOA, TXT and even Whois historical information.

All done, now you know a cool way to recover lost DNS records.

That’s it! Holla kindly check out our cheap and reliable web hosting service hoganhost.com.ng