Hola we will work you on how to install the WordPress Toolkit plugin in your whm using the root priviledge, the WordPress Toolkit plugin allows you to easily install, configure, and manage WordPress
Server Requirement:
Ensure that your server has the below-mentioned configurations to run the WordPress.
- MySQL: 5.7 or later
- PHP: 7.4
- PHP Extension: curl, dom, exif, fileinfo, hash, json, mbstring, mysqli, sodium, OpenSSL, pcre, Imagick, XML, zip, filter, gd, iconv, mcrypt, SimpleXML, xmlreader, zlib
- Web-Server: EasyApache 4
- cPanel & WHM Versions: 90 and newer with root access
- PHP Memory Limit: 128MB or higher.
You can install the WordPress Toolkit plugin with the following methods:
- The WHM Marketplace
- Manual installation
You may confirm WordPress Toolkit installation by accessing WHM’s WordPress Toolkit interface (WHM >> Home >> Plugins >> WordPress Toolkit). If enabled, cPanel users can also access this plugin in cPanel’s WordPress Toolkit interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> WordPress Toolkit).
When you install the WordPress Toolkit, the system automatically installs the PHP-FPM Service for cPanel Daemons. The system also enables the PHP-FPM Service for cPanel Daemons when you update or remove WordPress Toolkit from the server.
1. WHM Marketplace
To install the WordPress Toolkit plugin in the WHM Marketplace interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> WHM Marketplace), perform the following steps as the root
- Navigate to the WHM Marketplace interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> WHM Marketplace).
- Locate the WordPress Toolkit listing under Add Extensions and click Install.
2. Manual installation
To install the WordPress Toolkit plugin on the command line, run the following command as the root user, kindly login using ssh method or the whm terminal:
sh <(curl https://wp-toolkit.plesk.com/cPanel/installer.sh || wget -O - https://wp-toolkit.plesk.com/cPanel/installer.sh)
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